
As-A-Service and circular economy - planned obsolescence

To understand the social and environmental impacts of the world's production of goods, let’s have a look at the statistics of world energy consumption : This figure has increased twofold in 40 years since 1980! Global energy consumption is increasing exponentially, which means that global production of goods is increasing just as fast, creating huge amounts of waste, and not only related to energy consumption.

Because of the linear economic system (production, use, waste) still in use in combination with the planned obsolescence, this economical model is at the core of the largest part of our daily waste ofresources. This paper is written predominantly from the perspective of manufacturers and/or integrators.

This white paper has two objectives:

  • Understand planned obsolescence, the criticisms and its limits.
  • Understand how the combination of the circular economy and the As-A-Servicebusiness model is a way to reduce the social and environmental impacts of globalgoods production.

This white paper is the second one out of four papers. The first one gives insight about connecting the dots between the As-A-Service business model and the circular economy, the next one being about the common mistakes made when connecting As-A-Service and the circular economy, and the last one offers 5 ways to initiate the circular economy contributions with As-A-Service.

Want to understand how As-A-Service is a tool towards planned permanence instead of planned obsolescence? Fill out the form to download the 'As-A-Service & Circular Economy - Planned Obsolescence' whitepaper now.

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