
Unlocking the secrets of physical Product-As-A-Service

The As-A-Service model has taken the software and cloud industry by storm, becoming the dominant paradigm in those sectors. However, when it comes to physical products, true As-A-Service offerings are still in their early stages and face unique challenges.

Despite the fact that the As-A-Service literature is quite vast, executives from the “physical product world” are often left behind due to the lack of concrete guides on deploying Product-As-A-Service (PaaS) models. The vast majority of literature falls short when it comes to explaining what to do from a funding, finance, and accounting standpoint.

In our latest whitepaper with Zuora, Yann Toutant, CEO and Founder of Black Winch teams up with Michael Mansard, EMEA Chair of the Subscribed Institute and Principal Director of Subscription Strategy at Zuora to explore the essential steps for effectively building your own PaaS solution. And, unlike any other, we’ll delve into the “3-10-50” funding strategy employed by industry leaders.

This whitepaper answers the following questions, and more:

  • Who are the major players in the world of Product-As-A-Service and which industries are dominating?
  • What can be learned from the winning strategies of existing Product-As-A-Service offerings?
  • What are the concrete steps to building a Product-As-A-Service offering within our organization?
  • What is the “3-10-50” funding model?
  • What challenges can occur along the way and how can they be overcome?

Ready to unlock the secrets of PaaS and revolutionize your business? Fill out the form to download the whitepaper.

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